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SaaS Onboarding Emails Inspiration

Discover the Best SaaS Onboarding Email Examples

Onboarding Emails

Onboarding emails are usually sent after users sign up for a SaaS product. The onboarding can be done during the creation of the new account, but it’s also possible to make the onboarding steps optional. Those steps will have to be completed at a later time, and sending an email is the perfect way to remind the users.

SaaS Onboarding Email Examples

This page displays more than 40 different examples of onboarding emails from B2B and B2C companies. All email examples are from companies selling digital products available with a subscription. In most cases, once a user signs up, the SaaS will require additional information.

Onboarding Email Subject Lines

Onboarding Email Subject Lines usually include action verbs. For better results, we suggest including personalization to subject lines. The following subject line is a good example: Jake Fischer, don’t keep your teammates in the dark. Jake Fischer is the user’s name, and the email is about inviting team members to join monday.com, a project management tool.